Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour.
Cathrine contacted us, she ordered 4 horseshoes from 3 legendary horses.
Cathrine wanted a simple and stylish design, and decided that all horseshoes should be in beautiful shiny gold with matching engraved signs in gold.
One of the 4 horseshoes was from Bohemian and was given to her former groom Rikke.
From Left:
Atterupgaards Cassidy, Olympic Games - Rio De Janiero 2016.
Bohemian, Olympic Games - Tokyo 2021.
Vamos Amigos, World Championships 2022.
The Horseshoes was made for Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour.

We made these 4 horseshoes for Bregnerødgård (RiddenByAz).
They are from the horse Capriciella (Pippi), which Anna has won the Danish championships with.
In addition to the 4 horseshoes shown here, there were also a 5th horseshoe, which were given to an employee at Bregnerødgård who had a 10-year anniversary.

Mundberg Horses.
Many probably know the legendary "Miss Milton" who has been a particularly successful jumping pony, with which Mie and Ida Mundberg created fantastic results , when they could no longer start ponies, Miss Milton has been a fantastic teacher for several other skilled young riders.
Miss Milton was an older pony, and the time had come for a well-deserved retirement and Mie and Ida bought Miss Milton for her to return home, and given as a gift for their mother Charlotte, so that Miss Milton could enjoy her retirement at the family's home in Denmark at their farm "Engtoft".
Unfortunately, Miss Milton had to be euthanized last year at Christmas, and Ida and Mie wanted to give their mother a lasting memory of Miss Milton, so we worked hard to get them ready as soon as possible so that Charlotte could get a horseshoe from Miss Milton - Amazingly sweet of the girls!

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