Special Setups

See more pictures at the bottom of this page ⬇️
Here you can order a special setup with exactly the elements you want, which can be fitted:
horse passport, hair, browbands, rosettes, medals, pictures and horseshoes (please note that the horseshoe
must be without up/side toe, we can remove them for you), we transform the horseshoe into just the design you want
and that you think fits right into your special setup.
Frame size for setups varies depending on what needs to be fitted.
The frame in this model picture measures 60 cm x 80 cm
(Of course, there are also glasses included - not shown here on the model for glare).
We update you throughout the process, from when we receive the things that you want mounted in your custom setup,
And until it is finished and shipped from us, you will always know how far in the process we are with your particular custom setup.
Estimated delivery time: Varies depending on the content of the setup.
Price from: 268 Euro Incl. VAT + Shipping.
Order your Special setup right here - fill out the form:
Note! The payment is made manually when we know your wishes for the setup,
So keep an eye on the email we send to you within 24 hours of your order.
- Check the spam filter, they often land there.
Send your things for the setup to us - (as a package - most securely):
Unique Horsebling
Rolighedsvej 35, st.
4671 Stroeby
Mail: Uniquehorsebling@hotmail.com
Phone: +45 26396020
- REMEMBER to send with delivery (delivery directly to our address),
We do not have the opportunity to drive around to various parcel shops and pick up packages.